
MARKSMITH Titanium | The Best EDC Marker You'll Ever Own

Created by Daniel Bauen + Microfacturing

Carry the world's first titanium retractable permanent marker every day to make a bold statement on surfaces that a pen can't write on.

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Production Update - Production Samples Reviewed
about 4 years ago – Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 05:53:32 PM

Grab a coffee or a cold one, and sit back in a comfy chair or hammock, because this is going to be a long and detail-rich update!

Production Update

The production samples arrived! There were some delays with the samples due to broken drill bits. A broken drill bit holding up production? That may seem trivial, but the drill bits used to remove the material from inside the marker body are specialty bits that you don't just have on hand. They are a specific diameter, carbide, extra-long with thru-coolant holes for keeping the titanium as cool as possible during the deep hole drill. Some of these bits cost over $500 and have replaceable inserts. Not something you want to break on a regular basis. Once the machining parameters are tuned in for production, things go much smoother.

Yes, that is a black titanium Marksmith next to the natural Ti Marksmith. It's beautiful. Unfortunately, I'm not going to make these yet, because I need to do some long term durability testing of the black coating. 

Marksmith Ti next to a prototype of the Marksmith Ti Black

I had the samples made in 3 different finishes to compare them. The brushed finish like what was shown in the Kickstarter. A bead blasted finish, which is more matte, but unfortunately scratches too easily and can't be refinished by hand with a scotch-brite pad like the brushed finish. And a black finish which is supposed to be the most durable black finish available for Ti.

Left to Right: Bead Blasted Ti (Scratches too easily), Brushed Ti (the original finish), and Black Ti (durability to be determined)

Did the Production Samples Pass the Test?

Yes and No. The samples were good, but a few things have to be tweaked and we're gonna need another sample run before production.

The Good:

The exterior machining of the clip is perfect, exactly like I wanted it. I am thoroughly impressed by every single machining detail of the clip because it is the most geometry complex part of the Marksmith.

The screws were changed from flatheads to low profile Torx socket cap screws. This change makes the height of the screw in the counterbored hole more consistent so that the screws are always flush with the surface. Flathead screws are much more difficult to always make flush with the surface, especially since small dimensional changes in the screw head between batches can cause the screws to be too high or too low, even if the machining of the part they fit into is consistent. I experience that with my kitchen knife handle making, where the flathead black, silver, and gold screws that I purchase all have slightly different head diameters, which cause the screws to be at different heights even though we CNC machine the countersinks.

The external dimensions and most internal dimensions are perfect.

The brushed surface finish looks amazing and is easy to keep looking like that.

An o-ring was added to the screw connection between the tip and the body. This keeps the tip on tight and prevents it from loosening. 

O-ring keeps everything tight!

The Things that Need to be Fixed Before Production

1. The main issue was that the internal features were about 1mm too short to properly extend the cartridge. Let me step back a minute and explain how this happened. The prototypes were made by us in our shop, so we made everything to spec. My shop equipment is oriented towards prototyping, so it would not be efficient for us to produce these. However, the end goal is to invest in production CNC equipment to be able to make future products like this. During the design and prototyping phase, I worked closely with the machine shop that is making these for us to make sure that the design would be producible. It's too easy to design and prototype something that is very difficult to manufacture, so it's best to communicate with those who will be making the parts during the design phase. I shared CAD models, drawings, and pictures with them on a regular basis for feedback. The only thing that I never provided them with was a real cartridge. Now the reason for this was to protect IP and to see how good they are at machining to drawing specifications and tolerances (a test of sorts). Specifically, I did not want them to make random adjustments to dimensions just to make the cartridge fit properly. If I was judging them only by the final functionality of the machined marker, they would have failed the test. However, after checking all the critical dimensions, they passed by about 85%. Most of their dimensions perfectly matched the drawing dimensions. However, there are 5 critical dimensions that form a tolerance loop which affects the travel of the cartridge during extension. 3 of those critical dimensions were out of tolerance. They were off by +0.34mm, +0.82, and -0.20, which added up to a tolerance loop stackup of 0.96mm, which was just enough for the extension to not function properly. I mean, this was right at the edge of working. If I pushed (too hard) it would lock into the extended position, but that is not acceptable. The issues here were probably because non of these dimensions are directly measurable using calipers. 2 or more dimensions have to be measured to calculate the dimension. The QC department will have to pay close attention to these dimensions in production.

Now that I am confident in the quality of their work, I have sent them the cartridges to be used by them to check the functionality of each Marksmith body. Would it have compressed the production schedule if they had the cartridges in hand while making the samples? Probably, but they could have also used them to fudge the dimensions around to fit instead of machining from the design dimensions.

2. The width of the clip neck that passes through the body to the slider inside was changed, but the slot width was not, leaving a slot that was a bit too tight. They widened the clip neck by 0.5mm from my design to increase the strength, because the screw holes are close to the wall, but they forgot to widen the slot by the same amount.

3. The clip mounting to the slide was off-center. This is an F up that can't be justified, especially considering the high quality of the rest of their work. The screw holes were not centered, and all of the samples were like this. Someone set up the zero wrong when machining the screw holes.

Do you see the off-center mounted clip?
Do you see it now?

4. Burrs inside the slide were grabbing the tail of the cartridge. Some samples had it, some were clean. Those must always be free of burrs.

5. A radius was missing that creates a smooth transition for pushing the clip to the side to retract the cartridge. This made it more difficult to retract the clip. I prefer the smooth ramped motion as I designed it. After close inspection, what I think happened is that they messed up the machining there, and then hand filed it to match the drawing dimensions. These are pre-production samples, and as such its normal for things to get hand-filed sometimes. Anyways, they know this needs to be done right.

All these points have been discussed with the machine shop, and they are working on new samples incorporating these changes. They said it's going to take then about 15-20 days, but from experience with any manufacture, it's likely that there will be some delays.

Production Schedule

As many backers have pointed out, September is around the corner. It's going to take about 15-20 days (starting from August 19th) to complete the new samples, a few more days to ship, a few more days to analyze, document, and hopefully confirm the first production run. So that means production will begin in the second to the third week of September, and the first production run will take about 3-4 weeks. The first Marksmiths could ship in mid-October.

Why is this taking longer than the Estimated Delivery?

It's easy to blame COVID for everything these days, but it really has had repercussions everywhere that I did not consider when the project was launched. This project was launched on the second day of the first week of the stay at home orders that took effect in GA and most of the US. Things felt smooth for the first few weeks, and the govt thought all might be in the clear after that. Well, the fact that kids (including ours) have not gone back to school yet and are doing virtual learning means that the time I have to work at the office/shop has been cut in half because my wife also continues to work and we have to bounce back and forth between taking care of kids. This affects the business and factories that I work with also because they are now understaffed and less efficient since some of their employees have to stay home with kids that would normally be at school. The rest of Engineerable's team does not have children, so they are continuing to mostly work normal hours and can take care of the making and shipping stuff, but I'm the one that does new product development.

I should have engaged the machine shop to make the samples during the time that the Kickstarter campaign was running. Instead, I continued to make improvements, testing and tweaking the design to perfection, such that they only began the samples after the campaign had ended. It extended the production time, but the result will be the best marker.

The machine shop took about twice as long (2 months instead of 3-4 weeks quoted) due to delays like a broken drill bit and getting the finishes right. It was a mistake to ask them to do different finishes. I thought it would save time to machine them all at once, and then I specifically asked them to ship the brushed finish first, and not let the other finishes delay the shipment of the brushed finish. Well, the way they did it, they had to wait until all of them were complete before shipping. Lesson learned, just ask for what I need, and do other versions later.

What happened when the samples arrived? Members of my family got COVID! Fortunately, it was mild and everyone is ok, but that has put me out of the shop for almost a month due to quarantine. I know quarantine is only supposed to be 14 days, but that's for a single person. When different people in a household catch it at different times, that extends the quarantine. So, I was unable to review the samples right away. I had to review remotely with my shop machinist, and he caught most of the issues, but it wasn't until I was finally able to get my hands on them to take measurements that we were able to get down to the root cause of why they were not fully extending. It took about a week for me to review and write a very detailed engineering report documenting everything. From experience, I've learned that it's essential that every component or product has a manufacturing document and not to rely on the factory to keep track of changes. These even applies to ISO9001 and equivalently QC certified companies who are supposed to have all their ducks in a row. In the past, I have had parts made where I've spent a lot of time fixing issues (including packaging for shipping), and then I don't order them for a while, but the next time I order them it's like they have forgotten everything and we fall back to the beginning. Therefore I keep a manufacturing document of everything that gets made and send the updated version every time I place a new order.

 Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Success! Refilling Marksmith Cartridge with Permanent Marker Ink
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 08:13:33 PM

Refilling the Marksmith Titanium Fine Point marker cartridge using permanent marker ink

In addition to buying and replacing the whole cartridge inside the Marksmith, an alternate method discussed during the campaign is to refill the cartridge using permanent marker ink. It took a while to fully deplete the ink in a cartridge and had to determine what the right amount was by weighing a new full vs used depleted cartridge.

The difference in weight between a new full and used depleted cartridge is about 1g. This equals about 40-45 drops of Edding T25 permanent marker ink. The Edding T25 is one of many brands of permanent marker ink. It is convenient because it has a dropper tip, allowing you to easily count the number of drops. Please take a look at the video showing how you will be able to refill the cartridges using the Edding T25, or similar permanent marker ink.


  • It's best to refill the cartridge before the ink is totally depleted because it takes longer for the ink to wick to the tip if it is totally dried out. If you refill while the marker still works, then you can keep using it without interruption.
  • Have a full cartridge ready to switch out so that you can keep marking right away. Leave the refilled cartridge upright with the tip down to allow the ink to wick towards the tip.
  • If your marker is still marking, but you want to top it off to make sure that you don't run out, a cartridge can be partially refilled. Carefully drop the ink onto the felt one drop at a time. It should readily soak into the felt. Check to make sure that there is no pooling of ink outside the felt. If the ink is not instantly absorbed by the felt, then the felt is saturated and you should stop filling.
  • A cartridge can be refilled many times. It can probably be refilled more times than the felt nib will survive. At some point, the nib will be worn and require a cartridge replacement.

Where can you buy permanent marker ink?

Here's an editable google doc that has a list of places to buy permanent marker ink. Permanent Marker Ink Sources

If you know a source for permanent marker ink that is not yet on the sheet, please submit it via this form and I will add it.

Production Status

The production samples are nearing completion. The final cosmetic finish and appearance are being tweaked and applied. Will have another update with more details.

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Marksmith BAM Fine Production Update
over 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 12:47:50 AM

Production Update

When the funds from Kickstarter arrived, I was able to initiate the manufacturing stage of the Marksmith BAM. The first step in making several thousand titanium markers is making production samples.  The production samples are more refined versions of the prototypes that represent the consistent quality we should expect from future production. To achieve this, production quality fixtures are being made, dedicated cutting tools selected and setup, custom cutting tools are made for special internal features, and the finishing process is refined. The production samples will be just a few pieces to validate the process, dimensions, and finish. If those are perfect, then we can move onto the next production step. If there are changes that need to be made, then we will have to repeat the production samples process.

The next production step after the samples is a small run of 100 pcs. All of these markers will be closely inspected to ensure that the quality is consistently excellent. Then we move onto production batches of 500 and will continue to closely monitor the final product quality. These smaller batches will also speed up the delivery schedule since we won't have to wait until all 3000+ Marksmith markers are made before starting to ship.

When Will Surveys Be Sent Out?

While many campaigns send out their surveys soon after the campaign ends to generate excitement that their product will be received soon, I prefer to wait to send the survey until production is complete and we have a solid shipping timeframe. Why? This gives us the most up to date shipping addresses (I know that shipping addresses can be changed prior to shipping, but from my experience not everyone does...), and gives us the most time to make any relevant changes to the survey that are necessary. I'm also simultaneously working on the Marksmith Ultra-Fine, and as many backers have requested, make it available as an add on in the survey.

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Thank you for making MARKSMITH an awesome reality!
over 4 years ago – Thu, May 07, 2020 at 03:02:29 AM

Thank you!

Every time I launch a Kickstarter campaign for a new design, I'm always very nervous... Will anyone like what I've made? I believe that you have all screamed out a resounding THIS IS AWESOME! Thank you! There will be more updates coming soon with other info like the results of the ink refill tests, schedule, surveys, instructional videos, and what's next.

Resolving Errored or Failed Pledges

I have backed hundreds of campaigns, and sometimes my payment also fails. Most of the time it's due to the credit card bank flagging the transaction as fraud for some random reason. I have to call them and verify the charges and request that they allow charges from Kickstarter before retrying the payment. There can be other reasons too. I made a quick video to explain how to fix your payment if you are having issues. There are only 2 days left to fix any payment issue before Kickstarter cancels your pledge.

Don't Miss Out On New Projects

We loved working with our marketing partner, Jellop. They are the reason that many of you learned about the MARKSMITH Kickstarter. 

MARKSMITH was also featured on their First Backer Newsletter, and we'd like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers - You'll receive fresh Kickstarter projects, and amazing early bird offers, as well as awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

Finally, here are 2 EDC related projects that might resonate with you.

Ekster® Key Holder - Say goodbye to lost keys and clutter

After raising $1M+ last year, Ekster® is back with The Smartest Key Holder yet, with a tracker and an LED light, the Key Holder is a minimalist solution that keeps all your keys secure, and easy to access. Lost your keys? Just ring them, or locate them on a map using your phone, Google Home, Alexa or Siri. You'll receive alerts if you leave them behind, and you can use the tracker to ring your phone too. Bonus: use the tracker as a remote control for group selfies.

Now available at discounts of up to 40% off on Kickstarter!

If Coffee is your Every Day Carry...

Then you're gonna want to get the COFFEEJACK - The Pocket-Sized Barista by Hribarcain. I do love a good coffee, and from an engineers standpoint, the design of this is pretty impressive. They've harnessed the mechanical advantage of hydraulics to achieve very high pressures to properly extract the essence from the beans.

CLICK HERE to see why this Pollution Saving Espresso Maker No Bigger than a Cup is so different.

Thank you again,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Ink Refill Update & Marksmith is Left-Handed Friendly
over 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 01:39:11 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.