
MARKSMITH Titanium | The Best EDC Marker You'll Ever Own

Created by Daniel Bauen + Microfacturing

Carry the world's first titanium retractable permanent marker every day to make a bold statement on surfaces that a pen can't write on.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update from Machine Shop
over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 02:21:21 PM

The machine shop has finished machining the MARKSMITH parts for the first production batch, and they have sent some pictures. This is the raw machined parts, and the next step is to apply the surface finish. Only the bodies are shown in the following images since the surface finish has to be applied before the final assembly.

I'm very excited to see this progress and look forward to receiving them. It's taken longer than anticipated, but you're going to appreciate the detail and perfection that has gone into your Marksmith.

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Is MARKSMITH also the World's First Titanium Highlighter?
over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 11:34:58 PM

I received a lot of questions as to whether the MARKSMITH FINE would be compatible with highlighter cartridges. Watch the video below to see the results.

I'll be doing a GIVEAWAY for a MARKSMITH production sample with a set of 5 highlighter cartridges (to be shipped with your Marksmith). All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT ON YOUTUBE VIDEO (About whether you would like to see the highlighters available as an add on (or don't care), and if you prefer a specific color, or want the set of 5 different colors) and BE A YouTube SUBSCRIBER (Link To SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel if you haven't already). One comment will be chosen as the winner.

I'll be reading your comments because I want to know the level of interest in the highlighter option to get an idea of how many highlighter cartridges I should prepare.

Production Update

Production is moving along. The machine shop says that they are 2-3 weeks from shipping.

The MARKSMITH ULTRA-FINE production samples have also been completed and will arrive soon. I've already gone through the prototype process with those and planned to launch a Kickstarter for them sooner, but based on the time that it has taken to get the MARKSMITH FINE production completed, I decided that it would be best to wait until the kinks have been worked out of the production samples.

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Logo or Lack Thereof
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 11:35:22 PM

The overwhelming feedback from everyone has been "no logo", so that's what I'm planning to do. I've heard from many backers that the minimalist and clean appearance is what made them pledge for the Marksmith, so I won't be changing that. Therefore, there will be no logo on the marker body for all Kickstarter backed Marksmiths. Watch this video where I discuss some of my thoughts on a logo for post-Kickstarter Marksmiths, and also the packaging design. I'd like to hear your feedback on those ideas.

I do want to investigate logo designs and locations for the future (post Kickstarter). There have been some interesting location suggestions: 

1. On top of the rounded end

2. The underside of the clip

3. On the slide that the clip is attached to (it is hidden until you extend and rotate the bolt)

4. Next to the threads on the tip, such that you have to unscrew the tip to reveal the logo and a serial #

I plan to add a design to the metal box, and ultimately a cardstock sleeve that slides over the box (this is likely going to be for post Kickstarter units). Are you a graphic designer that could help with the logo design, or a packaging designer who could work on the layout of the cardstock sleeve design? I would love to have the Kickstarter community contribute to these design elements.

MARKSMITH is the name of the titanium marker. SOUL BUILT is the brand that I have recently created that will encompass the EDC gear and KRVR kitchen knives that we make. (If you haven't seen my knives: and )

For me, there's a lot of meaning behind the brand Soul Built. It truly describes what we do to take these designs from ideas to real products in your hands. I will delve deeper into the meaning later.

Production Update

It took longer than expected to review details and discuss production with the machine shop after the second sample set. The production downpayment (which covers the first half of the Kickstarter orders) has been paid, enough material and tooling for 5,000 Marksmiths was ordered. The first batch of 500 Marksmiths is currently about 30 days out. I was told that the next batches will take less time than the first because the material and tooling will be ready to go.

NOTE: Bastion Ti Pen

Bastion will be announcing their new Ti pen on an update to their prior Kickstarter campaigns that I managed.  Their pen should not be confused with the MARKSMITH line of titanium writing instruments produced by me. I was involved with the original Bastion Carbon Fiber Pen Kickstarter, but their new ti pen was developed independently of me. I just wanted to clear up the distinction in case there is any confusion since I've also been saying that I plan to make a titanium pen. That being said, their new ti pen is the same design as the previous stainless/cf pen which is a great pen that many people love, and therefore I would not hesitate to buy one. It has an independent bolt and clip design. In contrast, my pen design follows the Marksmith aesthetic with an integral clip and bolt, where the clip is used to extend and retract the pen.

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

2nd Production Samples Arrived, and this is what I found
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 08:46:52 PM

The MARKSMITH 2nd Production Samples arrived yesterday, and I immediately unboxed and thoroughly examined them in this YouTube video. Check it out!

I'll be doing a GIVEAWAY of 2 of these 2nd Production Samples (to be shipped with your Marksmith). All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT ON YOUTUBE VIDEO (about a future piece of Titanium Gear that I should make) and BE A YouTube SUBSCRIBER  (Link To SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel if you haven't already). I will choose the BEST and WORST idea for the winners on October 15th (Please LIKE or DISLIKE ideas to help me choose).

2nd Production Samples Overview

They work and look great. The functional issues from the previous samples were resolved.

There are 3 minor things that I am requesting that they fix for production that I discuss in the above video.


I've requested that they start on a first production run of 500 units. (Originally I wanted to start with 100 pcs, but we are running behind schedule, so I'm increasing the qty) We need over 3,000 pcs to fulfill all Kickstarter orders, and I know that you are all eager to receive yours, but it's better to do smaller batches to ensure the best quality. 

Thank you,

Daniel and Team Engineerable

Production Samples #2 Have Shipped
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 09:30:13 AM

A few backers have been asking for more regular updates. I'm the "save it up and pack a lot of info into one update" kind of person. I will try to be the "spread it out into more regular updates" kind of person for you all. Therefore I'll save some (non-critical) info for another update.

Production Status

The machine shop has confirmed that the 2nd Production Samples have been shipped, so I am now waiting to receive those. I spoke with them on a regular basis during the machining, going over details and changes to make sure that everything is perfect.

Watch this YouTube video for more details about the 2nd production samples. The images and videos are from the machine shop. I do not yet have them in hand. Once I do, I will take more pictures and video of them to share with you.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel, where I publish videos about the MARKSMITH, future Ti EDC products, and other things we make at Engineerable, like the KRVR Chef Knives.


Packaging design and sustainability always weigh heavily on my mind when making a product. I generally try to keep the packaging to a minimum and make it either reusable or recyclable. For the Marksmith I'm choosing a metal box with a foam insert, so it will be both reusable and recyclable.
      If you are giving the MARKSMITH as a gift, it is a nice gift box
      If you want to keep it to store your MARKSMITH, you can do so and it won't degrade.
      If you want to recycle it, the metal can be recycled with steel products (food cans), and use the foam as extra padding next time you ship something.


There were a lot of comments about the large logo on the clip that I posted in the prior update. That image was actually a mistake. I forgot to change out the image before publishing the update. I was trying out different logos on the clips, and I posted the wrong image.
      However, it seems that the consensus is it would still be too large, and many of you expressed that you liked the design on the Kickstarter with a clean clip. Looking at it more, I tend to agree. I spent a lot of time on the clip design and slapping some writing on it really throws off the aesthetic.
      So, I'm going to keep the clip clean and free of text. I will still be putting a small logo on the side of the body, at 90 degrees or 180 degrees of the clip in the closed position. Something more discrete.
      I won't let the logo hold up shipping. If it is going to add time, I will ship without it. I will talk more about the logo in a future update.

      Thank you,
      Daniel and Team Engineerable